The Original Mach 5 from Speed Racer/Mach GoGoGo:

After crunching some numbers, it’s come to my attention that the Mach GoGoGo manga that would readily spawn the anime that would be dubbed as Speed Racer is celebrating its 55th Anniversary.

This post was originally published on on January 17, 2012, republished with editing tweaks, grammar corrections, a couple of new pics, new paragraphs and the regrettable removal of dead hyperlinks. This was my first post to be published on the site, with the help of their writing staff, most of which are still active here today. I’m still thankful for their help.

Who of us born in the last 50 60 years don’t know who Speed Racer is? From those, who didn’t want a Mach 5?

Throughout any continuity of your choice that portrays the original silhouette of the trident-nosed homage to hypersonic speeds, the Mach 5 has been raced hard, stolen, shot at, vandalized, sabotaged, imitated, damaged, chased, hacked, crashed, rebuilt, kept engineering secrets hidden, has been on its side, upside-down, in turbulent waters, had bombs planted in it, done towing duties, used as a rescue vehicle (a flying one!), rebuilt hours before a big race, and traded paint with the best and the worst that international automotive racing and shady organizations and individuals could throw at it, to name a few. This two-tone (as it should be) machine is the embodiment of the never-give-up/never-say-die attitude of the Mifune/Racer family.

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